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Drag Racing

Build an ultimate Drag Racing LEGO Car and propel it down 8 feet of track at the BRICKAWESOME!!! Drag Strip!

Based on the 4WLC-UG (4-Wide LEGO Car Club - Under Ground) in Japan's DRAG RACING Event.  BRICKAWESOME!!! is going to be bringing this Event to CANADA.  This is still an evolving work in progress but we did have our fist event at the 2019 BRICKAWESOME!!! LEGO Event on October 26th in Barrie Ontario.

So far there are four ways that I know of for propelling your car down the track, I'm sure that we will discover more.  There is 1 of 3 LEGO Pullback Motors or an optional Air Blast Launcher.  LEGO Part Numbers provided in the diagram.  Hand pushing your LEGO Car is not permitted.  Contact BRICKAWESOME!!! if you have other suggestions for propelling your car or bring it to one of our events for Show & Tell.  So far I'm recommending the 10039c01 as the one that works the best.

LEGO Motors.jpg

With the 10039c01 you are limited to what wheels can fit.  You can't fit large wheels on them but the Tiny Turbo Racer wheels work well.  It provides so much torque that front wheels just slow the car down or make it spin.  I've made use of a LEGO Technic block here to reduce friction at the front.  Also, the more bricks you add the slower the car is going to go, but a certain amount of weight helps with the stability.  Watch out for the wall ... making contact with the wall with a rubber wheel will slow you down!  That is why this design has a side-body flair to protect the rear wheel from the wall.  Check out our design and feel free to copy/modify it.  Design available upon request.

We now have two classes ...

Class 1 - LEGO Tiny Turbo Racing Class            Class 2 - Open Class      

-  Create a Dragster with the LEGO Pullback Motor (10039c01)

LEGO Dragster_edited.jpg

-  Dragster must include a Minifig

-  Any LEGO Motor can be used


Mark III Arrow Top Fuel Dragster by BRICKAWESOME!!!



Tiny Turbo Racer by Max Matrix



Winner of the 2019 BRICKAWESOME!!! Drag Race was Jeff with his Emma Go-Kart Dragster

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